“mermaids:the body found”

So did anyone watch the show on animal planet called mermaids the body found?
For a documentary it was very, theatrical almost to the point where it didn’t seem like anything was real, and like it was more a movie than anything. The different videos they had of these mermaids seemed stage and not like a normal video would be.
But could they be real? The evidence they gave on the show seemed creditable. But I found myself asking more questions. The actual sounds of supposed mermaids was pretty cool you can clearly tell the difference between the whales, the dolphins, and the third sound, the mermaids.
Could these mermaids lead us to the lost city of Atlantis? Or maybe even other sunken cities in the ocean? Could there also be a connection to extraterrestrials if in fact these mermaids have been around for as long as the show said?
Well there you go a quick review on this new show that was part of monster week. Please comment if you have any thoughts or would like to add anything. And remember like always ask question!!!